
Why would the engine be the nucleolus of a car?
How is a nucleus like a car engine? The nucleus of a cell would be like the driver of a car, they control the cell/car. Cell membrane is like the door...
What is the nucleus of a car?
What part of a car is like the nucleus? The steering wheel is like the nucleus because it controls the car. What is the nucleolus of a car? The nucleo...
What is a analogy for chloraplast?
What can I use to represent chloroplasts? Small green Legos or buttons can be used to represent the chloroplast. What is a real life example of chloro...
What materials are used to make galvanized cells?
How do you make a galvanic cell? A galvanic cell is constructed by combining an oxidation electrode with a suitable reduction electrode to convert che...
What is An animal cell nucleolus analogy to a car?
How is a nucleolus like a car? The nucleolus is like the gas pump. The nucleolus makes ribosomes like the gas pump makes gas, which is the ribosomes i...
A cell functions like what other thing?
What is a cell similar to? A cell is like a car. The nucleus of a cell would be like the driver of a car, they control the cell/car. Cell membrane is ...
What can represent the lysosome in a car?
What can be compared to lysosomes? Lysosome can be compared to the recycle bin. ... Thus, you can say that lysosomes are like the human stomach and sp...