
Can you weld the harmonic balancer onto the crank?
Is the harmonic balancer connected to the crankshaft? The harmonic balancer is attached to the crankshaft. It is made up of 3 parts the hub, the rubbe...
How to remove the harmonic balancer on a 1999 5.7 vortec?
Is it hard to replace a harmonic balancer? Most DIYers can replace a harmonic balancer themselves if they follow the rigth Harmonic balancer replaceme...
How long can you drive your car with a bad harmonic balancer?
Is it bad to drive with a bad harmonic balancer? Without the balancer dampening unwanted crankshaft vibrations, engine failures, such as worn rod bear...
What does a harmonic balancer do?
Can a car run without a harmonic balancer? And because the belts that go around the crankshaft pulley run all of the car's accessories, without the ha...
Which way does the pulley bolt turn?
Which way turn crankshaft pulley bolt? Place your socket on the crankshaft pulley bolt and wedge the end of your ratchet or breaker bar onto the groun...
Can a bad harmonic balancer ruin your engine?
Can a bad harmonic balancer cause engine failure? Although the harmonic balancer may seem simple enough, if it fails, it can cause major problems. Wit...
What kind of noise does a bad harmonic make?
What does a harmonic balancer sound like when it's bad? Unusual Noises A faulty balancer can result in a knocking, rattling, or squeaking sound that c...
Do harmonic balancers squeal when they are bad?
Will a bad harmonic balancer squeal? A faulty balancer can result in a knocking, rattling, or squeaking sound that corresponds with engine speed. In s...
Whats the deferents between a 350 and a 305 balencer'harmonious?
Will a 305 harmonic balancer fit a 350? you can still put a 305 balancer on a 350 and use the same timing mark and set timing right? Is a bigger harmo...